Request for Application #2019-016

openIMIS Modularization, Nepali Functionality, and Community Development

Preliminary Technical Application Comment Period Reminder

Dear Colleagues of Digital Square,

As a reminder for RFA #2019-016 openIMIS Modularization, Nepali Functionality, and Community Development (, we invite other applicants and stakeholders in the global goods community to read the applications and provide feedback, comments, and suggestions directly into the OAP platform through Friday, September 20th (the preliminary technical application comment period). For members of the global goods community, your engagement during this phase is most appreciated. The transparency of this process is one of the benefits to the global goods community and your feedback is very important.

Beginning September 23rd, applicants will be able to revise the technical application, develop a budget and budget narrative, and submit these to the Digital Square OAP platform no later than October 7th. The budget and budget narrative will not be shared publicly on the platform. Commenters see only the high-level summary budget provided in the technical application. Please see the summary of deadlines here:

As always, you can reach out to our team with questions.


The Digital Square Team