Notice D

Notice D for promoting investments in digital health global goods

Conclusion of Co-creation Phase Approaching

Dear Colleagues of Digital Square,

For Notice D applicants whose concept notes have advanced to the application phase, please upload your most current preliminary technical application to the OAP platform by Friday, July 5th (the conclusion of the co-creation phase). Applicants must use the technical application template for their submission. Digital Square will close the ability to upload new content to the OAP on July 6th.

From July 8th to 19th (the preliminary technical application comment period), other applicants and stakeholders in the global goods community are invited to read the applications and provide feedback, comments, and suggestions directly into the OAP platform.

Beginning July 22nd, applicants will be able to revise the technical application, develop a budget and budget narrative, and submit these to the Digital Square OAP platform no later than August 2nd. The budget and budget narrative will not be shared publicly on the platform. Commenters see only the high-level summary budget provided in the technical application. Please use the checklist of requirements for your full application per the Request for Application # 2019-006 Modification #3 here.
As always, you can reach out to our team with questions.


The Digital Square Team