Notice D

Notice D for promoting investments in digital health global goods

Concept Note Phase

  1. Applicants must use the Concept Note template. Applicants will need to copy sections the first three sections into OAP platform application page and list the consortium team organization(s), as applicable.

  2. The platform will provide space for applicants to provide digital health atlas registration confirmation (required), tagging, geographic reach, and source code, as applicable. 

Application Phase 

  1. Preliminary co-creation: Applicants must use the tehnical application template. Applicants may post iterations on the forum until the preliminary application comment period begins. Please indicate updates by saving the file with a version number at the end of the file name or date (e.g., “ApplicationTitle_v1”). Please update the fields below with changes from the concept note phase as necessary.
  2. Finalization: Applicants must upload the final technical application and cost application, consisting of a detailed budget, and budget narrative. Please update the fields below with changes from the concept note phase as necessary.

Submission Resources