The goal of this project is to improve the automated testing, interoperability, and privacy of the Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) as a point-of-service application in alignment with the OpenHIE architecture. We propose a series of individual work packages that will improve test automation, support mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD), and mask personally identifiable information.
The Open Smart Register Platform (OpenSRP) was recognized as a global good in 2018 and has progressively improved in maturity through support of consortium members, implementing partners, and donors. OpenSRP is a person-centered digital register and point-of-care software system for frontline workers that offers a suite of customizable features for countries wanting to digitize their legacy paper registers, which complements and integrates with common national-level digital systems (HMIS, EMR, LMIS). A committed collective of technology, research, and implementation partners have evolved the software to a point of maturity characterized by multiple national deployments, high performing technology at scale, and emerging documentation around specific use cases for RMNCAH, TB, HIV, Malaria and Early Childhood Development. OpenSRP is seeking investment to improve the shelf readiness as a feature-rich service used by health workers at the point-of-service so it can be more easily deployed and supported in our current and future deployments. Funding would help OpenSRP overcome identified constraints associated with more broad adoption and interoperability aligned with the OpenHIE architecture.
We propose three work packages which can be independently funded:
Work Package 1: Improving QA by Adding an automated testing framework and improving modular test coverage to 80%.
Work Package 2: Establishing OpenHIE interoperability by improving mobile Care Services Discovery (mCSD) support.
Work Package 3: Add Personally Identifiable Information masking across all OpenSRP APIs.
Ona is a technical social enterprise focused on global health and data solutions, based in the United States & Nairobi, Kenya. The company has 60 employees. Approximately 40 of whom are software developers, architects, data and machine learning experts. Ona has extensive experience designing, developing and implementing health information systems that are used at national scale and integrate with existing government health information systems and open standards. Ona has developed numerous open source standard tools and libraries in the space that are used by mobile teams to add functionality to their existing technologies. Ona serves as the technical lead for OpenSRP, having co-created the platform with the World Health Organization. For these proposed 3 work-packages, Ona does not foresee the need to work with external developer teams, but should the need for that arise, we do have a set of core contributors in the OpensRP developer network, that we will approach to collaborate with.
OpenSRP is registered on the Digital Health Atlas.
Togo, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Mauritania,Liberia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia
Thanks Matt for the above,
Thanks Matt for the above, could you unpack a little more why the 3 work packages will address shelf readiness? Also is there intenstion to see WP3 link this work to Instant OpenHIE?
Thanks Carl, we'll get that
Thanks Carl, we'll get that into the updated concept note.
Thank you for the feedback.
Thank you for the feedback. We reworked the Concept Note to better align with the call.