Notice C

Promoting the collaborative development of proposals for investments in digital health global goods

Global Digital Health Index

Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support
Application Status: 
Approved - partially funded


Thank you for sharing your concept note.  Great to see these ideas shaping up.  Can you please add more about your Consortium team and further detail on the project description?  It is unclear what "support the mobilization fo courtires to engage..." would look like in terms of high level activites and objectives.  We'd also appreciate you tagging key words, using the WHO Systems Categories.  

Amanda - thanks so much for your comments. We have uploaded the revised concept note, addressing your comments.

Have you heard of the work GHSC-PSM is doing around creating a Supply Chain Information Sytem Maturity Model for health systems across all the GHSC countries? It might be useful to connect with folks at GHSC to see if this work could be aligned with what they are doing or relate to each other.

This is a great suggestion - we would love to connect with them and discuss. Do you have a recommendation for who we should speak to there?

I'd suggest connecting with Swaroop Jayaprakash at GHSC-PSM.

Thanks for your submission and looking forward for the full proposal. Will the source code behind the GDHI be released as open-source?

Yes - the source code is open source. Our source code is in a GIT public repository under the GNU-GPL license, so anyone in the public domain should be able to pull the code to their local machine. Let me know if you have any other questions!