Notice C

Promoting the collaborative development of proposals for investments in digital health global goods

Digital Square supports investments in digital health global goods, which are tools that are adaptable to different countries and contexts. Mature digital health global good software is software that is (usually) Free and Open Source (FOSS), is supported by a strong community, has a clear governance structure, is funded by multiple sources, has been deployed at significant scale, is used across multiple countries, has demonstrated effectiveness, is designed to be interoperable, and is an emergent standard application.

We are using an open proposal process. Your concept notes and proposals will be publicly posted, giving you and other submitters the opportunity to find collaborators and provide and receive feedback from your peers.

Concept-Notes (48 total)

Displaying 41 - 45

Strengthening OpenMRS

Primary Author: Jan Flowers
Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support

Executive Summary

OpenMRS is a high quality, open source, integrated EMR platform aimed at resource-constrained settings where structured patient record keeping systems (specifically, electronic medical record systems) can improve health outcomes.  The Open Medical Record System (OpenMRS ) was created in 2004 in response to an identified need for efficient data and information management to support enhanced care delivery and help achieve health equity in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). OpenMRS is a scalable, modular, open-sourced platform used by institutions and nations across the globe to build customized medical record systems that can meet the needs of varied situations. Over the past decade, the OpenMRS community has become a robust organization of developers, implementers and users actively building and supporting life saving health systems worldwide. As OpenMRS continues its growth in over 80 countries to date, it increasingly is recognized as a de-facto EMR standard, supported by the OpenMRS community.

Despite financial constraints, OpenMRS has continued to provide technical updates to the OpenMRS content and software platform on a routine basis. OpenMRS functionality continues to be slowly enhanced and our community continues to be actively engaged. Up to this point, most roadmap setting and prioritization has been driven by our vibrant development community. However, implementers and users in LMIC are often hard to reach and engage. These important stakeholders have not been as visible to the OpenMRS development community due to inconsistent outreach by OpenMRS, a lack of communication strategies that appeal to those who are non-developers and in the field, and a perception that OpenMRS is solely a developer community primarily focused on software development.

OpenMRS seeks to further develop our products and services into a highly functional digital health software global good and, as a result, actively contributes to the global good milieu. We request support to improve our organizational efficiency and responsiveness through hiring resources to lead several core activities. Our maturity is reflected in our self evaluation for this application for Digital Square resourcing, using the Digital Health Software maturity matrix. Our self analysis reveals the competency and capacity of our organization and products, as well as potential areas for improvement. The OpenMRS community has identified core outcomes from fiscal support:  

  1. Increased implementer community engagement

  2. Improved software roadmap

  3. Expanded user and technical documentation

  4. Curated and enhanced education curriculum and materials

Consortium team

OpenMRS is an open source community that functions as a consortium. Currently, the community includes volunteers and organizations who are actively engaged in operational support, as well as the software development and implementation process. We look forward to continuing a collaborative approach to development and implementation of OpenMRS with additional partners, and we expect that parts of the work in this proposal would be subcontracted to other OpenMRS partners. Please refer to our annual report for information about our partners.


OpenMRS seeks to improve our organizational efficiency and responsiveness. We seek to better coordinate and support partner efforts, magnifying the impact of the OpenMRS-related work that they already do.

Over the years we have successfully built the preeminent open-source EMR platform by leveraging the efforts of hundreds of developers and dozens of organizations. We are keenly aware that we have also missed many opportunities to leverage requirements gathered on the ground, and to coordinate and support our partners’ work, leading to fragmentation and duplicated efforts. Many of these failures stem from our lack of dedicated project managers to focus on partner communications and technical coordination.

This proposal is designed to ensure that our software addresses the needs on the ground by strengthening our engagement with implementers, and giving them as equal a voice in the setting of the roadmap as that of the existing strong developer community. In addition, we need to efficiently and effectively identify what opportunities exist in the distributions that could be leveraged and generalized to be included in our software. The OpenMRS community has started this process by beginning a quarterly scrum of scrums,  providing a forum for our community members to highlight and share their work and highlighting potential synergistic development opportunities. We seek to extend the knowledge gathered from this forum into an actionable roadmap for product design, software development, and release. We desire to help seed the global good work by helping inform the enterprise health architecture repository being developed through the WHO Digital Health Atlas work by developing initial attributes for HIT Point of Care systems.

In strengthening the implementer voice, we also seek to more effectively identify and organize information gathered from a diverse user group through a sophisticated requirements analysis process. Our hope is to identify particular requirements and needs that have high ROI from a clinical and software perspective from our user community and use this information to inform the roadmap. Achieving this will require the identification and development of a replicable process and/or tooling solution for requirements gathering, assessment and prioritization. Developing and implementing a standard operational procedure for this is foundational for the OpenMRS community to become a more mature software development organization, resulting in a more transparent and rapid delivery cycle as well as better documentation and support of distributions. Furthermore, we believe that this process/tooling solution can be replicated within other global good software projects, and that OpenMRS is ideally placed to develop and demonstrate an effective community-driven requirements process.

Similarly, many countries and projects have written OpenMRS documentation and training materials, but we have not yet been able to leverage those efforts to create core shared resources. There is also an increasing demand for more robust documentation and training materials from OpenMRS implementers and users. A dedicated coordinator would be responsible for collecting existing documentation and education materials, planning and coordinating efforts to improve upon these, and to ensure they are publicly available as part of our community.

Improved communication is not always enough to get groups with different timelines to build shared software together. We further propose to strengthen OpenMRS software development capacity so that we can respond to our improved roadmap vision by seeding collaborative development efforts between partners.

Achieving these necessary enhancements requires support for the following functions (in priority order):

  1. Community management

  2. Technical project management

  3. Documentation and educational support

  4. Strategic support for software development



Strengthening the OpenMRS Implementer Ecosystem through community, quality assurance, education, and partnership.

Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support

I. Executive Summary

OpenMRS is a high quality, open source, integrated electronic medical records platform (EMR) aimed at resource-constrained settings where structured patient record keeping systems (specifically, electronic medical record systems) can improve health outcomes.  The Open Medical Record System (OpenMRS ) was created in 2004 in response to an identified need for efficient data and information management to support enhanced care delivery and help achieve health equity in low and middle-income countries (LMIC). OpenMRS is a scalable, modular, open-sourced platform used by institutions and nations across the globe to build customized medical record systems that can meet the needs of varied situations. Over the past decade, the OpenMRS community has become a robust organization of developers, implementers and users actively building and supporting life saving health systems worldwide. As OpenMRS continues its growth in over 80 countries to date, it increasingly is recognized as a de-facto EMR standard, supported by the OpenMRS community.

Although often seen as a technical community, the OpenMRS community would not exist but for the broad ecosystem of implementations it serves.  Despite the core mission to serve these implementations, OpenMRS falls short in dedicated resources to fully understand and track the wide variation of implementations, investigate and identify implementation best practices, and to be able to create a sustainable engagement strategy to provide the requested support from these implementers.  Our team aims to strengthen OpenMRS by gaining insight into the impact of OpenMRS on country health systems by better understanding this growing ecosystem of OpenMRS implementers and the 3,000+ implementations of the OpenMRS system.  Using these real-world cases, we propose to incorporate the identified needs of implementers and implementations into the community processes through the development of improved QA processes, publication of implementation toolkits and guidance documentation, development and dissemination of elearning components, and expanding the partnerships program to support implementers in the field. These processes, coupled with the published artifacts, should result in additional implementers and implementations - creating a long term sustainable ecosystem for OpenMRS.

II. Consortium Team

The consortium will be led by University of Washington Clinical Informatics Research Group (CIRG) ( and partnering with Regenstrief Institute Global Health Informatics (RI) (

UW CIRG is one of the premier global health informatics organizations, serving as experts in advocacy and policy; evaluation, strategy, and planning; architecture and design; engineering and development; implementation; and providing data quality and analytics expertise.  CIRG has contributed substantially to multiple open technology communities, and led and managed numerous large-scale informatics grants and programs around the world. CIRG has conducted national scale programs in Haiti, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Mozambique, Cameroon, Namibia, Vietnam, and the United States. CIRG leadership serves on the Board of Directors of OpenMRS, and is part of the leadership in the OpenMRS Strategy & Operations working group.  CIRG also leads the eSaude Community in Mozambique, the OpenELIS Foundation, and the OpenHIE LIS Community of Practice.

Regenstrief Global Health Informatics (RI GHI) program brings core capability in health information technology(HIT), policy and planning, programming, standards, development and support for health care teams and learning health care systems, analytics and business intelligence, electronic measures, and technical understanding of databases and data warehousing.  RI GHI has internal capacity to assist in the development of local, tribal, regional and national leadership and management capacity to evaluate, develop and implement health information technology systems, measurements, learning and accountability policies, strategies, frameworks, guidelines and outcomes for individual and population health. RI GHI leadership currently leads both the OpenMRS and OpenHIE communities, and provides core coding contributions and capacity to the OpenMRS products and OpenHIE reference applications.

III. Project Description

Problem Statement

Our team aims to strengthen OpenMRS by gaining insight into the impact of OpenMRS on country health systems by increased understanding the growing ecosystem of OpenMRS implementers and the 3,000+ implementations of the OpenMRS system. Implementers and users in LMIC are often hard to reach and engage. These important stakeholders have not been as visible to the OpenMRS development community due to inconsistent outreach by OpenMRS, a lack of communication strategies that appeal to non-developers, and a culture that has not included implementers in the release process.  In addition, the implementer community has little documentation for conducting implementations, educational materials and guidance, and limited partners that can conduct structured and vetted training in capacity building activities. Using these real-world cases, we propose to incorporate our improved understanding of these implementations into the community culture, processes, and offerings to better engage and serve the implementers in the field. In addition, we foresee the creation of educational and support offerings to implementers (either through OpenMRS Inc or through endorsed implementers) that will be the nidus for the creation of a self-sustaining implementer ecosystem.

Technical Approach

Work Package 1: Understanding the Implementation Ecosystem

While we often had knowledge about many of the early OpenMRS implementations, as the number of implementers and implementations have accelerated, we have been hindered in our understanding of the full landscape of OpenMRS utilization.  As a result, the OpenMRS products have been developed based on a limited set of involved community members that give input their specific implementations and stakeholders need, or based on their particular expertise in the health domain.  To ensure the OpenMRS products are expanding and improving to meet the needs of the larger landscape of users of the system ( as well as new areas of concern such as NCD), OpenMRS seeks to incorporate the input and understanding from the larger community of implementations into our software development roadmap. OpenMRS needs to identify the implementations that exist, the needs of those communities, how well the system is currently meeting those needs, the usability of the system to meet those needs and any new requirements. In addition, OpenMRS needs to establish and integrate the process for the implementation community to provide input into the roadmap.

In this work package, we propose to conduct a broad landscape assessment, with in-depth implementation surveys conducted across a large representative sample within the landscape. We will predicate this work on previous landscape review work that has been done by UW and RI and OpenMRS. Our goals will be to determine the variation across implementations, to identify factors for and barriers to success for implementing OpenMRS, and to understand the challenges faced by implementers to deliver and support the OpenMRS system in the field.  In addition, we aim to identify ways in which the OpenMRS community can improve their culture and processes to better support these implementers and implementations, and to ensure their voices drive the products and offerings we provide. Lastly, we strive to understand the usability of the OpenMRS products in order to better overcome some of the development, training, adoption, and support challenges and barriers faced in implementation that prevent our products from being successfully used to their fullest potential to change health system outcomes.

To better serve this critical component of the OpenMRS community, our team proposes leading the community in the following activities under this effort:

  • Activity 1.1: Conduct OpenMRS implementation landscape assessment to identify implementations, implementers, and maintainers;
  • Activity 1.2: In a representative sample from activity 1.1, conduct an in-depth implementation survey and needs assessment with implementers and end users.  We would use mixed methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data to understand how OpenMRS is being used to achieve the goals of health programs, learn what domains and health delivery challenges OpenMRS is being used to address, identify who the key users of OpenMRS are and how it is being used, capture themes of attitudes and behaviors towards OpenMRS use, and key metrics around implementation.  Furthermore, we would survey implementers on their needs and ways to engage them more effectively in community processes.
  • Activity 1.3: Conduct human factors usability evaluation on the OpenMRS Reference Application and Platform to identify improvements to mitigate some training, adoption, and support challenges faced in implementations.  Work with implementers to prioritize issues found for addition to the software roadmap. Develop appropriate framing for a style guide.

Work Package 2:  Improving QA Processes for Implementer Acceptance

As part of strengthening our implementer program and improving implementer engagement, we aim to strengthen our QA process for software releases.  Currently, we provide limited QA on the technical side of the software release, but do not conduct structured and repeatable in-depth end to end testing of products.  In addition, we do not conduct structured user acceptance testing that would help ensure that we have produced a release that meets the requirements from the implementation community.

To increase trust in the quality of our products from our implementers, and to ensure products meet specified functional requirements, our team proposes to develop a more robust QA process that includes fully documented test scripts for end to end testing, with a supporting automated test framework to conduct these tests.  This test framework will be harvested and expanded from work done by UW CIRG on the eSaude OpenMRS distribution. We will generalize this work to fit with the larger community products using current automated testing technologies, such as Puppeteer and CodeceptJS.

We propose leading the following activities:

  • Activity 2.1 - Develop portfolio of documented manual test scripts and anonymous data sets for testing the suite of OpenMRS products.  We will leverage the large portfolio of previously documented manual test scripts that UW has created for the OpenMRS product deployments in multiple countries, including Mozambique, Kenya, and Cameroon.  Using this portfolio, we will work with the OpenMRS community to identify and customize those standardized features and use cases should be included, and expand on the portfolio to include additional prioritized test scripts that are needed.  These will be produced with the community and stored publicly on the OpenMRS Wiki for the OpenMRS community access.
  • Activity 2.2 - Develop automated End to End testing framework leveraging the OpenMRS distribution eSaude test framework developed by the UW for Mozambique.  This solid framework will be generalized to support the creation of automated testing for the common workflows and use cases that OpenMRS supports. This work will drastically improve the quality of the released products because the development team will be able to quickly and easily repeat a portfolio of test scenarios for full end-to-end testing each time.  We will work with the community to develop an Automated Test roadmap, to ensure that the test coverage continues to expand for coverage of future software product releases. In addition, we will fully document the automated test framework and work with the OpenMRS community to develop and publish the process for utilizing the framework for software releases.
  • Activity 2.3 - Create and publish SOP for Implementer Acceptance Testing for software releases.  We will work with the OpenMRS implementation community identified in Work Package 1 to create and publish the process for gaining implementer acceptance testing for each of the OpenMRS product software releases.  This process will be incorporated into the community development and release process, and published on the OpenMRS Wiki for community engagement.
  • Activity 2.4 - Pilot of test framework with OpenMRS release, and pilot SOP of implementer acceptance testing.  Identify an OpenMRS software release to test the automated test framework as part of the QA process. In addition, identify 1-2 implementers from the implementation community to follow the user acceptance test process as part of the software release of the identified product.  Use the results from these tests to document improvements to the framework and the acceptance test process. Work with the community to incorporate framework improvements into the product development roadmap.

Work Package 3:  Implementation Toolkit and OpenMRS eLearning Courses

OpenMRS is in dire need for additional educational materials for all cadres of the community.  There has been a noticeable increase of requests for implementation support and self-learning / training materials.   Based on the knowledge from the landscape assessment and implementation survey, our team proposes to contextualize and expand on the existing UW-created HIS implementation toolkit for publication on the OpenMRS website.  We aim to create a broad set of tools and guidance documentation detailing suggested pathways following best practices for a successful implementation.

In addition, the team will develop the framework for an online asynchronous elearning program for implementers to better understand how to implement OpenMRS.  This includes developing both the outline of the elearning program, detailing the structure of the program and the content to be included, and including the curriculum for each of the courses to be developed.  This curriculum, when provided in certain settings, could help provide a sustainable business model for the future through appropriate and reasonable tuition in certain situations.

In order to build a more sustainable and broad-reaching OpenMRS community educational program, we want to encourage multiple contributors to participate in the creation, updating, and expansion of the educational materials over time.  We also want to encourage other community members to share their expertise and lessons learned in implementation, development, and support of the OpenMRS system. In order to achieve this, the team proposes creating a process for community members or organizations to submit materials to the OpenMRS education section of the website.  This team will also develop a program framework to incentivize other contributors of educational materials. For example, gamifying the program by creating incentives, such as contribution points, for creating or updating educational materials to a community area that could then be used to “buy” special OpenMRS gear or participate in special events at the OpenMRS annual event, or other such reward.

Activities for this package include both educational and training materials, as well as sample tools for conducting the work:

  • Activity 3.1 - Conduct a survey to discover interest in eLearning program, incentivization schemes for contributions, and what topics would be useful for self-learning.  
  • Activity 3.2 - Curate and organize education materials that have already been created by various organizations and community members.
  • Activity 3.3 - Work with the OpenMRS community to develop an educational program strategic plan for OpenMRS, including the program goals, a roadmap of identified eLearning components and courses, and an incentivization scheme for encouraging other contributors for the program.
  • Activity 3.4 - Generalize and tailor an OpenMRS Implementation Toolkit for use by implementers in planning and conducting implementations.
  • Activity 3.5 - Curriculum development of short courses for the initial prioritized roadmap topics and sessions.
  • Activity 3.6 - Record and publish prioritized Implementer’s eLearning course and pilot for proof of concept.  The team will then conduct a qualitative survey for identified test users, conduct an analysis of the results, evaluate the appropriate ‘price point’ for educational offerings and document identified improvements for the next iteration of course update and development.

In addition, we propose to build a new area of our existing partnership program to include partnerships with service providers that would like to use these eLearning courses to support implementers/implementations within their service region.  This activity is

  • Activity 3.7 - Conduct a survey of potential service providers to better understand the interest and need for a Training of Trainers package, and what the appropriate model may be for utilizing this material.  Based on these results, develop a Training of Trainers package for service providers to utilize in understanding how to use the educational materials. In addition, these service providers could use the eLearning course to conduct classroom trainings to multiple implementers or organizations in a region.

Lastly, based on our broader understanding of implementer and service providers needs for education, we propose to:

  • Activity 3.8: Develop a scalable business model for the educational program within OpenMRS, to ensure long term growth to meet the ever evolving needs of the community and for sustainability of the program.  Disseminate Work Package 3 knowledge and model at Global Digital Health Forum or similar conference.

Expected Outcomes

Expected outcomes from this funding include:

  • Deep understanding of the wide variety of OpenMRS implementations and the impact on the health programs they serve and identification of efforts needed by the community long-term to meet the needs of those implementations
  • Identification of factors for and barriers to implementation success, challenges experienced during implementation and in supporting the use of the system, and user experiences and attitudes with the system
  • Determination of usability issues that cause challenges for implementations, prioritized by implementers for addition to the product release roadmap
  • Improved quality assurance process that results in increased trust by implementers and engagement by implementers in the release acceptance
  • Published implementation support and eLearning education materials available to both implementers and service providers supporting implementations
  • Identification of an appropriate business model to increase sustainability of training and implementations

This will strengthen the OpenMRS as a Global Good, specifically addressing key indicators in the global goods maturity model, including:

  • Understanding for better support of Country Utilization,
  • Identification and prioritization of activities to support Country Strategy,
  • Increasing Implementer Community Engagement,
  • Improving the Software Roadmap process,
  • Increasing Software Maturity by improving Productization and Security,
  • Improving User Documentation; and,
  • Focusing on Funding and Revenue sustainability through business models

Note that all work products published from this project will be licensed as open source software or under the Creative Commons license, and will be openly and freely available for download.

Use of Digital Technologies

The OpenMRS platform is a generic platform for developing electronic medical record (EMR) system implementations. It is designed to collect and manage patient-centric longitudinal medical data. The platform consists of a database, an abstraction layer between code and the database (i.e., Hibernate, a tool to map between Java objects and a database), a Java-based service layer, and a web services (a bespoke REST interface and a standard FHIR interface). The data model is heavily influenced by the HL7 reference information model and uses a central concept dictionary to define the data it contains. As a result, the system is very flexible – not focused on a specific vertical use case – and can be adapted for any patient-centric health solution. The platform is also designed to be modular, making it extremely extensible by allowing customizations to be added or removed to meet local needs. Multiple APIs are available, supporting interoperability. Proven interoperability already exists between multiple systems, and, in fact, OpenMRS has been proven to support case based reporting using the OpenHIE architecture.

We also use OCL for terminology support, and actively support this work. We have been working closely with OpenHIE, building and evaluating the ability of OpenMRS to share data through the defined OpenHIE architectural stack. More information is available at

Workplan and Schedule

We anticipate a 12-month workplan.  Milestone deliverables are denoted by A,B,C, and D. and are aligned with the outputs of each activity listed in the Project Deliverables section below.  We’ve identified and included 3 communities that are prioritized for our team to collaborate/consult with and to keep informed of key findings: OpenMRS, Digital Atlas, and the Digital Square Community.


Full PDF of workplan available in attachments.

Project Deliverables

Work Package 1: Understanding the Implementation Ecosystem


Outputs and Timeframe


(GGMM: Global Goods Maturity Model)

1.1 Landscape assessment to identify implementations, implementers, and maintainers

A. 1 implementation landscape assessment protocol developed.

B. 1 implementation landscape assessment report completed

Timeline: 3 months from start

Deep understanding of the wide variety of OpenMRS implementations and the impact on the health programs they serve

GGMM: Country Utilization

1.2a Implementation survey and needs assessment with implementers and end users.  

A. 1 implementer survey protocol developed.

B. 1 comprehensive implementer survey completed.  

C. Summary of identified needs, engagement strategies, and process improvements are documented and published.  

D. Results are prioritized in OpenMRS operations and programs roadmaps.

Timeline: 9 months from start

Identification of factors for and barriers to implementation success, challenges experienced during implementation and in supporting the use of the system, and user experiences and attitudes with the system

GGMM: Country Strategy and Implementer Community Engagement

1.2b Survey of implementers on needs and ways to engage them more effectively in community processes.

1.3 Usability evaluation to identify improvements to mitigate training, adoption, and support challenges faced in implementations.  Work with implementers to prioritize issues found for addition to the software roadmap.

A. 1 usability evaluation protocol developed.

B. 1 usability evaluation conducted and published report.

C. Identified issues prioritized and added to community roadmaps.

Timeline: 12 months from start

Determination of usability issues that cause challenges for implementations, prioritized by implementers for addition to the product release roadmap

GGMM: Implementer Community Engagement and Software Roadmap

Work Package 2:  Improving QA Processes for Implementer Acceptance


Outputs and Timeframe


(GGMM: Global Goods Maturity Model)

2.1 Develop manual test scripts and data sets for testing the suite of OpenMRS products.

A. Published portfolio of documented test scripts with test data sets to conduct manual QA testing at release

B. Published protocol for conducting manual testing for software release

C. Roadmap for additional development of test scripts for lower priority use cases and workflows

Timeline: 6 months from start

Improved quality assurance process that results in increased trust by implementers and engagement by implementers in the release acceptance

GGMM: Implementer Community Engagement, Software Maturity, Software Productization and Security, Software Roadmap

2.2 Develop automated End to End testing framework and prioritized tests

A. 1 automated testing framework published with the OpenMRS Github repository

B. 1 automated test roadmap for additional test case development

C. Documentation for testing framework and development of test cases published on the OpenMRS wiki

Timeline: 9 months from start


2.3 Create and publish SOP for Implementer Acceptance Testing for software releases.

A. 1 published SOP for engaging implementers and conducting acceptance testing for releases

Timeline: 6 months from start

2.4 Pilot of test framework with OpenMRS release, and pilot SOP of implementer acceptance testing.

A. 1 pilot protocol developed

B. 1 pilot report of the new QA processes and tools

Timeline: 12 months from start

2.5 Dissemination of new tools and knowledge

A. Conduct tutorial and session at OpenMRS implementers meeting showcasing testing framework, SOP, and how to use it.

Timeline: 12 months from start

Workstream 3: Implementation Toolkit and OpenMRS eLearning Courses


Outputs and Timeline


(GGMM: Global Goods Maturity Model)

3.1 Conduct survey for eLearning needs, interest, contributors, and topics

A. 1 survey protocol developed

B. 1 survey completed and results published for community

Timeline: 3 months from start

Better understanding of what need and interest exists for self-learning materials, and how to collect contributions.

GGMM: Implementer Community Engagement, User Documentation

3.2 Develop educational program strategic plan for OpenMRS

A. Educational program established with initial goals and strategy

B. 1 roadmap published for educational material development

Timeline: 4 months from start

Published implementation support and eLearning education materials available to both implementers and service providers supporting implementations

GGMM: Implementer Community Engagement, User Documentation

3.3 Curate and organize education materials

A. 1 set of existing educational materials, evaluated and categorized with descriptions, licensed under creative commons where needed

Timeline: 3 months from start

3.4 Generalize and tailor Implementation Toolkit

A. 1 published and downloadable implementer’s toolkit for planning and conducting OpenMRS implementations.

Timeline: 6 months from start

3.5 Curriculum development of short courses

A. 1 set of curriculum developed for the initial prioritized set of educational materials from the roadmap

Timeline: 6 months from start

3.6 Record, publish, and pilot eLearning short course

A. Identified elearning course and educational material platform

B. 1 set of short courses recorded and published to elearning platform

C. 1 pilot and survey conducted with identified partner, with pilot results documented.  Modifications and enhancements identified.

Timeline: 12 months from start

3.7 Training of Trainers package for service providers

A. 1 protocol for service providers survey

B. 1 survey of service providers for need, interest, and model

C. 1 training of trainers package created for service providers

Timeline: 12 months from start

Developed implementation and educational  business model that focuses on current and future sustainability

A. Business model to include educational and training offerings

B. Dissemination of education program building knowledge and model at Global Digital Health Forum or similar conference

Timeline: 12 months to start

GGMM: Implementer Community Engagement, Funding and Revenue

Digital Health Atlas

OpenMRS is registered as a project within the Digital Health Atlas.

2-sentence overview

In use at over 3,000 health facilities in 64 countries worldwide, OpenMRS is a high quality, open source, integrated electronic medical record (EMR) platform aimed at resource-constrained settings where structured patient record keeping systems can improve health outcomes.  This proposal will fund improvement to the support of OpenMRS implementations by increasing implementer engagement through improved implementer alignment, community QA processes, implementation toolkits and guidance documentation, elearning and educational materials, and partnerships.

Community Feedback

The OpenMRS Community has multiple pathways for engaging with the various cadres of community members.  OpenMRS communication and engagement pathways include the Strategy & Operations calls (formerly the Leadership Team), the Project Management calls (including the Scrum of Scrums), the Design calls and Development calls, and the OpenMRS Talk forum that includes channels for developers, implementers, service providers, and distributions.  In addition, OpenMRS has both a director of community and a technical project manager that will be engaged for designing strategies and incorporating identified scopes into the various product roadmaps. The consortium will need to utilize all of these pathways to successfully achieve each of the proposed activities.

For Workstream 1, the consortium will engage with the OpenMRS community and within the network of other common digital health communities and organizations (such as DHIS2, OpenHIE, etc) to identify OpenMRS implementers and end user stakeholders, and to conduct in-depth surveys.  The consortium will engage with these communities and organizations through community forums, such as OpenMRS Talk or DHIS2 mailing list, and the network of members whom UW and RI already have existing relationships with. The consortium will specifically engage with the OpenMRS leadership team and the development community to prioritize and incorporate the results from the surveys into the product vision and strategy, including the software development roadmap.

For Workstream 2, the consortium will engage with the eSaude distribution community to leverage the automated testing framework and automated tests previously developed.  In addition, we will engage with the OpenMRS implementer and development community to identify which tests should be prioritized for end to end testing in a structured manner, and to develop the testing/QA roadmap.  The consortium will also engage other global goods communities and organizations to better understand other QA processes that are being used and how they could be leveraged to improve the OpenMRS QA process.

For Workstream 3, the consortium will work broadly across the OpenMRS community to better understand the needs for elearning and educational materials.  To specifically focus on the implementer aspect of this program, the consortium will facilitate community education program calls with specific invites to identified implementers to join.  The team will also engage with the OpenMRS service providers through virtual calls, online forum discussions, and specific outreach communication channels such as the offline mailing lists, to incorporate their input into the ToT package.

Use Cases, User Stories

Workstream 1 User Stories

User Story 1.1a As an OpenMRS implementer, I would like to find other implementers with similar contexts so that I can share knowledge and lessons learned, find out how they solved similar issues, and to potentially collaborate on aligned interests and activities.

User Story 1.2a As an OpenMRS implementer, I would like to understand how OpenMRS is being used in other implementations to help me identify additional potential uses in my own implementations.

User Story 1.2b As an OpenMRS software developer, I would like to understand the overlap of aligned interests in how OpenMRS is being used in implementations so that I can better understand what to prioritize in development based on the demand, who to engage in user centered design of that feature, and who might help test and pilot a new feature.

User Story 1.3a As an OpenMRS implementer, I want the OpenMRS system to be very user-friendly, intuitive for users, and easy for users with low computer skills or low experience with the health system.

User Story 1.3b As an OpenMRS user, I want to have a voice in what things in the software interface make it hard or impossible for me to do my job efficiently and effectively. 

User Story 1.3c As an OpenMRS implementer, I want to improve the software interface to address user challenges that prevent or hinder the training, adoption, and support of OpenMRS so that my users want to use the system because it makes their work easier and provides them value in their decision making.

User Story 1.3d As an OpenMRS software developer, I want to understand what users need improved in the interface so that I know what work to prioritize as valuable and high impact for the implementations.

Workstream 2 User Stories

User Story 2.1a As an OpenMRS user, I want to be able to use the system without bugs so that I am not interrupted or having to find workarounds to do my work.

User Story 2.1b, 2.2b As an OpenMRS implementer, I want to know that the products I am installing are rigorously tested and bug-free so that I do not experience system issues during installation or implementation that can slow or delay my workplans and deliverables, and effect future funding.

User Story 2.1c, 2.2c As an OpenMRS software tester, I want to be able to systematically test the OpenMRS products, even if I’m new to OpenMRS.

User Story 2.1d As an stakeholder in the public health system, I want to feel confident that I can make critical and timely decisions based on the data within the systems that are implemented.

User Story 2.2a As an OpenMRS software developer, I want to be able to have my code quickly systematically tested once it is integrated into the development branch so that I know if there are issues I need to fix before I can consider that work completed.

User Story 2.3a As an OpenMRS implementer, I’d like to make sure that features or changes that I requested  work the way that I expected them and need them to before I install the product at the site.

Workstream 3 User Stories

User Story 3a As an OpenMRS implementer, I want to be able to learn how to conduct a successful and sustainable implementation in a structured, replicable way.

Conditions of Satisfaction

  • Educational materials must be available in a variety of formats to suit the needs and situation of the participant.
  • Educational materials must be available with a recommended structured path for self-learning
  • Educational materials must be available and accessible freely outside of that recommended structured pathway for those participants who want only specific topics covered.

User Story 3b As an OpenMRS implementer, I want to leverage existing training and educational materials that others have made so I don’t have to reinvent the wheel all by myself when I’m conducting trainings.

User Story 3c As an OpenMRS implementer, I want to be able to share the training and educational materials that I have created so I can either improve those materials based on others feedback or so I can find opportunities to collaborate on improvements.

User Story 3d As an OpenMRS Service Provider, I want to have a standard set of structured training and educational materials that I can use to build my business around OpenMRS and teach a broad base of customers how to implement and support OpenMRS.

User story 3e As an OpenMRS community member, I want to ensure the near and long term viability of OpenMRS so that I can rely on the software and the community to be supported over the next decade.

Self-Assessment on the Global Goods Maturity Model


  • OpenMRS
  • Electronic medical records system
  • Opensource

Additional questions for global goods definition

Must be an existing global good as defined by:

  • Must be deployed in at least three middle-income countries. 80 LMIC countries host OpenMRS implementations

Must be a public good as defined by either option below:

  • Is it made available under Open Source Initiative approved software license? YES,
  • The software has been applied to a health domain. YES
Application Status: 
Not Governing Board Approved

Target Product Profiles for DHIS2 Platform Implementation and Aural-Oriented Android Application Development in Secure and Fragile Settings

Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support

1 - Executive summary

eSHIFT Partner Network is a not-for-profit leader digital health architecture and information systems implementation. We continue to work with a number of partners on projects that have led us to identify the clear need for two sets of guidelines and specifications lacking in the global digital health community. One providing overall platform implementation guidance for the management of confidential, individual information and a second for enabling the use of mobile digital health applications in low-literacy fragile settings such as conflict or post-conflict environments.

We propose to address these gaps through the development of two Target Product Profile (TPP) specifications that will enable the community to better manage confidential, individual information and improve the use of mobile DHIS2 applications at the last mile, taking into account the specific needs of users in low-literacy, fragile or other complex settings.

2 - Consortium Team

eSHIFT Partner Network is the prime organization for the project. It is a Swiss-headquartered not-for-profit association established to help great ideas scale into the national health systems of developing countries so that populations achieve better health outcomes.  At the core of eSHIFT is our network of commercial and non-commercial members with many years of expertise, providing strategic advice on, and implementation of, information management and digital health solutions to both national level and global-health bilateral actors. eSHIFT also hosts HISP Geneva, the Swiss node of the HISP network of global partners supporting the DHIS2 and improvement of health information systems in low and middle income countries.

Relevant to this particular project, eSHIFT designed and delivered the deployment of Android based DHIS2 individual encounter record system for eastern Ukraine to support the work of the WHO and medical practitioners during the conflict in that country.  eSHIFT also has a number of projects currently underway in conflict zones, politically complex and/or resource constrained settings. The efforts documented herein, if made easy to use and accessible, could have very positive broad sustainable impacts to the successful ongoing operations of many country-level DHIS2 implementations. In particular those dealing with confidential data records, and data capture from illiterate users or users requiring highly visual or aural user interface experience.

SageHagan GmbH (a founding eSHIFT member organization) is a boutique consulting company headquartered in Switzerland that focuses on the International Development and Humanitarian sectors. SageHangan has an established specialty practice in DHIS2 planning and implementation and proactively contributes to joint evolution of the DHIS2 platform in partnership with the University of Oslo (UiO) and the DHIS2 HISP Community.

Entuura Ventures Ltd. (a founding eSHIFT member organization) is a consulting and engineering company incorporated in Belize. The company supports a variety of digital health information related multinational projects and activities. These projects involve supporting international multilateral organisations and key donors in the global health domain. Entuura has established a specialty practice in DHIS2 consulting, IT systems support and secure hosting. Entuura currently supports the University of Oslo HISP group in a number of country DHIS2 implementations, including more strategic work around IT security, mobile device management, systems administration and DHIS2 implementation governance.

A major actor in the global HIV and SGBV Domain is about to manage development of a mobile audio and voice self-interviewing application. They intend to record insights, stories and testimonials from users in remote locations in current or former peacekeeping environments, including on their perceptions of sexual exploitation and abuse by international personnel.  In working with this organization through system development and ultimately in-country implementations we intend to capture the knowledge, skills and experience in HIV, human rights, gender violence, and social sciences to bring both Target Product Profile specifications to the highest ethical standard. (Entity to be named in next phase of this process.)

We believe the following organisations will be engaged to participate in and augment the outcomes of this effort.  Each has already been approached (to various levels of endorsement/commitment):

  1. University of Oslo/HISP Program developers and maintainers of the DHIS2 platform.  In particular we have begun discussions with parties within the Android developer group;

  2. Existing private sector companies’ developers already engaged in supporting the development of the DHIS Android Software Development Kit (SDK);

  3. Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) to advise on security, confidentiality and ethics policies and approaches.

3  - Project description

From our work in many complex settings, eSHIFT has identified a very specific need for developing two Target Product Profiles (TPPs) that can serve as frameworks and specifications to the digital health community serving in fragile settings, and who are increasingly seeking to leverage digital platforms to manage sensitive, personal information. A core element of eSHIFT’s mission is to identify global public goods that arise from the projects it does; these proposed TPPs are a perfect example of building on our foundations and lessons learned to document open standards with and for the community.

In particular, the technical roadmap for DHIS2, with the upcoming release of new features and functionalities including improved ‘tracker’ functionality, storage of digital artifacts as data elements, as well as with the new Android SDK, arguably facilitates the development of high-risk applications and widens an existing gap in standards and best practices for managing sensitive information and any individual records end-to-end in DHIS2.  Conversely, the direction of DHIS2 and its new features can be seen as a springboard opportunity for documenting certain best practices in these areas, based on the lessons learned in practical implementation scenarios.

We therefore propose to develop, via an open and collaborative process, two Target Product Profiles (TPP) for managing sensitive information, particularly in fragile settings, as follows:

  1. A Target Product Profile for any digital health application deployment used in international development settings requiring end-to-end protection of confidential reported and/or individual information (focusing on DHIS2 as a reference).

    1. Document process, policies, roles and other relevant standards required for implementing digital health solutions that manage confidential records, building on the experience our current partners in upcoming relevant projects and those already delivered

    2. Specification for hardening the full stack platform hosting DHIS2 and Android mobile components for applications requiring end-to-end security in handling very sensitive data sets and digital artefacts;

    3. A framework securing the Android platform for such applications, beyond the implementation of DHIS2 itself leveraging mobile device management;

    4. To create modalities for ensuring auditability of the system implementation end-to-end;

    5. To document model processes, policies, roles and other relevant guidance in the areas of ethics, rights-based standards for the protection of sensitive information and the collection and management of confidential records.

  2. A Target Product Profile for DHIS2 Android applications, based around audio and voice self-interviewing for low-literacy users in post-conflict and other fragile settings:

    1. Specifications of an iconography set, and user experience modalities informed by existing applications and practices that targets low-literacy users of DHIS2 based mobile apps;

    2. Develop a cookbook and development kit for implementing DHIS2 data capture applications focused around pictorial and audio capture/delivery-only mechanisms based on the new DHIS2 SDK for Android applications;

    3. Further codify specifications or learnings for the use of DHIS2 in settings such as those targeted by eSHIFT’s partners in fragile settings.

The outcome envisaged would be that the digital health community is empowered by broadly agreed and endorsed approaches that address the needs of those handling confidential information and/or deploying mobile applications in low-literacy, post conflict or other fragile settings. Such guidelines would reduce time spent by each implementer on relearning lessons in these critical settings, reduce overall risks, and increase the quality standard by which confidential, personal health information is handled ethically and securely by actors across the community.

The project would be carried out in four phases, ideally in parallel with an upcoming project we are implementing which brings all of the aforementioned factors to light:

  1. Establishing a TPP advisory group of key actors ready to collaborate in developing and reviewing the TPPs.;

  2. Development and agreement of the project plan;

  3. Iterative delivery of the specific deliverables and milestones according to the plan and with the review and agreement of the TPP advisory group;

  4. Closure of the project and project evaluation.

The project is expected to take 15-18 months to fully complete, especially in light of the consultative nature of guidelines development and that we wish to create the outputs in parallel to a real and very relevant implementation process.  It is envisaged that eSHIFT would lead this collaborative process across the community, engaging stakeholders in developing TPPs that are useful and make a positive impact in the future delivery of applications in these domains.

We feel our well exercised agile approaches to problem solving will ensure that drafts of key deliverables are made available to the community as they are developed in line with the delivery of implementation projects. In terms of technical approach, we see this as this is an “open standards” project aiming to support the development of a wide range of applications.

4 - Tagging

Android Client Applications
Client communication system
Community-based information system
Data interchange interoperability and accessibility
Systems Administration
Health management information system (HMIS)
Data Security and Confidentiality
Human rights and ethics
User Experience, UI
Shared Health Record

Application Status: 
In Scope

The Global Healthsites Mapping Project

Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support

Executive Summary

Healthsites is building a global commons of health facility data by making OpenStreetMap useful to the medical community and humanitarian sector. We are inviting organisations to share health facility data and collaborate to establish an accessible global baseline of health facility data in support of Sustainable Development Goal 3.8 Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

The primary stakeholders are national health agencies, donor governments, and citizens accessing health services. All have a significant interest in the quality of the data that drive health systems.

We are working to establish a social business model.

Consortium Team

Open Healthsites Consulting Ltd manages The Global Healthsites Mapping Project and specialises in developing open data solutions through Agile Digital production and human centered design.

Partner organisations (Notice B)

eHealth Africa

eHealth Africa is a non-governmental organization focused on improving health systems with core technical expertise driven by technology in Health Delivery Systems, Public Health Emergency Management Systems, Disease Surveillance Systems, Laboratory & Diagnostics systems, Nutrition & Food Security Systems and in sustaining program interventions.


CartONG is a French NGO specialised in mapping and information management for humanitarians. It is supporting partners such as MSF, UNHCR, UNICEF, Terre des Hommes to improve the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their projects with adapted tools. 


Kartoza provide bespoke services for the development of custom solutions based on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and include core contributors to projects such as GeoNode and QGIS, InaSAFE, and more.

The Humanitarian Data Exchange - Dakar

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) operates a humanitarian data platform – the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX). The Data Lab provide data services such as data extraction, data cleaning, storage, analysis, trainings and visualization.


GEOMATICA is a Senegalese company specializes in applied geomatic solutions.

We are looking for collaborations with organisations who have experience working with health wallets / mobile payments and understand use cases that can drive access to health care.  

Project Description

Healthsites community is focused on three key things:

  1. Enabling national health agencies and organisations to share and contribute data to OpenStreetMap
  2. Enabling collaboration between national health agencies and volunteer communities
  3. Connecting multiple data streams to build higher quality data is planning the following activities to complement those of Notice B:

Development of a Healthsites mobile application to enable users to update health facility data and explore if more money and better data could be made available to the healthcare system if patients were paid for their labor when generating data.

Integration with Whatsapp, SMS and voice-based surveys to address Lack of access to information as well provide normative ratings and compliance that both informs the public and health providers and serves to support and improve the quality of services provided at health facilities.

Internationalization and localization of the Healthsites Web application to offer content in languages and formats tailored to the audience.

Development of the Healthsites Location Validation Index (LVI). The LVI will enhance the reliability of health facility data by calculating a score that includes for manual data checks, user profile, data source and update frequency.

Enhancement of the Healthsites API so that other service providers can leverage the technology.

Support data creation and sharing in-country by supporting OpenStreetMap communities in skilling up and training local champions of open health data, in particular to develop locally, with national actors, the use cases presented below. 


C Client applications
D Client communication system
F Community-based information system
G Data interchange interoperability and accessibility
I Emergency response system
K Facility management information system
L Geographic information system (GIS)
S Learning and training system
T Logistics management information system (LMIS)
Y Telemedicine

Application Status: 
In Scope

Transitioning from a proprietary EMR software to OpenMRS: Expanding the Digitization of Medical Records

Notice C Opportunity: 
Announcement C0: Global Good Software Development and Support

Digital Square Proposal

VecnaCares Concept Note

Executive Summary

Patient and data management solutions are two of the most widespread challenges facing the growing healthcare sector in developing and low-resource countries, and the situation is significantly more critical in refugee camps. There are currently 65.3 million refugees and 40.3 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) worldwide meaning the impact of digitizing these efforts could be widespread globally.  Currently, most refugee camps use paper-based records to track health care provision – everything from individual patient visits to medication dispensing. Paper records can be lost, can be illegible, inaccurate, and non-standard across multiple facilities. Reporting and manually aggregating paper healthcare records takes many person-hours, often reducing the time clinicians and community health care workers can spend seeing patients. For the individual patient, paper records can result in less comprehensive care because clinicians often do not have access to a full longitudinal medical record for the patient. Introducing an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system into a refugee camp would have a series of direct benefits across the health system. Patients would receive better care and follow-up; clinicians would provide better care with knowledge of past medical history and digital clinical decision support; health facility administrators would have real-time knowledge of resource allocation and staffing needs; and camp administrators would have knowledge of the health status of the refugee camp population and the ability to monitor outbreaks and increased disease burden. Additionally, all UNHCR refugee and IDP camps are utilizing the identical information system, so their development of a comprehensive point-of-care digital system for one camp would be applicable globally.

How we addressed this challenge in Kakuma

To address the challenges of paper-based systems, VecnaCares has developed an approach that provides a comprehensive solution to deploy in low-resource settings; (1) we have developed an easy-to-use EMR; and (2) we have developed a portable ruggedized server, networking, and power management system (“CliniPAK”) which, creates a Local Area Network (LAN) allowing EMR software (or any other software such as DHIS2) to be broadcast across an entire facility. Each provider would be using a tablet that would sync data, in real-time, to the CliniPAK, allowing multiple providers to access to the same patient record simultaneously. Additionally, community health workers can sync data from mobile phone to the CliniPAK, allowing all care provision for a patient to be collected in a single database. Using an accessible SIM card, data from the CliniPAK can be transmitted to a central cloud-based server when connectivity is available. Other methods of data transmission are also available. The CliniPAK is powered through a combination of solar power, internal battery, external car battery, and AC power when available. The CliniPAK intelligently switches between available power supplies and recharges batteries while also providing power to charge data collection devices. VecnaCares is currently the only organization implementing both software and hardware in low-resource settings to deploy EMRs and as thus we have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, mitigation strategies, and opportunities of deploying digital solutions. 

Since 2016, VecnaCares has worked with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), the health implementing partner at the Kakuma Refugee Camp in northwest Kenya to pilot and deploy an EMR and inventory tracking system to their four outpatient clinics and two in-patient hospitals serving the almost 180,000 refugees at the camp. Medical records at the camp have traditionally been paper-based and reports were manually collected from tally sheets. After the implementation, each healthcare facility at the camp has its own CliniPAK which allows multiple clinicians and health care workers to access and update a single patient record at the same time, insuring that all people caring for the patient have the most up-to-date information across a continuum of care.

Since VecnaCares’ founding in 2009 we have worked to create intuitive software with guided workflows and standard reporting for rapid deployment to health facilities. One repeated challenge in low-resource settings is the reduced time for training and the lack of supervision. The VecnaCares software is specifically designed to be operable with limited training time and incorporates validation and guidance to help end-users correctly use the system. The current IRC version of the software is also modular and has several modules built across comprehensive health services. The software at IRC has modules developed for General Outpatient Care, Inpatient, Pharmacy, Laboratory, Child Health, Antenatal Care, Labour and Delivery, Postnatal Care, Nutrition and Inventory - allowing all these services to be collected in a single location and tracked over time for each patient. Aggregating reports is significantly easier; all the Ministry of Health and UNHCR reports which together collect thousands of indicators are available instantly, meaning efforts normally put towards reporting can now be allocated to other critical needs.

The IRC project was piloted in April 2017 and was fully deployed in spring of 2018. We are currently looking to expand the software across additional services, so it is not only replicable at other IRC run health centers in refugee camps but more applicable at all UNHCR refugee and IDP Camps around the world. Not only would this software make the healthcare of refugees and IDPs more comprehensive and reporting easier, but it would let the refugees and IDPs know they are counted.

Transitioning from our proprietary EMR software to OpenMRS: Expanding a sustainable project


The current EMR platform is built on proprietary software developed by Vecna Technologies, and there is a tremendous opportunity to transition the working software from a proprietary software into an open-resource platform (OpenMRS) which can be categorized as a Common Good software. Deploying a digital point-of-care system in a UNHCR refugee camp would allow the software to be scalable and sustainable across multiple organizations and implementing partners. The transition would also add new functionality such as easily user configurable forms, the ability to build more complex reports, and the development of new service area modules such as Dental, Surgery, Optometry, Gender-Based Violence, and HIV/TB to be applicable across all of the services IRC provides, making all health data collected for a single patient at all service areas available. Additionally, the software will be integrated with DHIS for reporting dashboards and report generation. Most Ministries of Health use DHIS as their primary national Health Information System and integrating the DHIS into the UNHCR system will facilitate patient data collected in refugee camps to be automatically integrated into the national system, rather than the cumbersome task of manually entering paper-based data in the current model. Not only would this transition improve the software currently deployed at the Kakuma Refugee Camp, but the new functionality developed would be able to be pushed out to the OpenMRS opensource community to again be built up and improved on. Lastly, the software would be build on OpenHIE standards, allowing the architecture to facilitate a large, global deployment of an open-source software adhering to a set of standards that will keep the system interoperate, and able to integrate with existing systems with the same standards.

The grant would fund not only the development and deployment of the software and hardware, but also the staffing needed to monitor uptake of the solution and provide on-the-ground support for the pilot periods and scale. Having a trained focal person to drive adoption and identify barriers to uptake is a kay tenet of the VecnaCares deployment philosophy and would help ensure the EMR provided the highest potential impact.

The key differentiators of this application are immediate applicability and potential impact. As there is a current system already operating in the Kakuma refugee camp, this grant would fund the new features and open-source development of a product that would be used immediately. There would not be additional time need to select partners, find a pilot site, and coordinate staff. The project would have a quick development timeline and deployment date. Secondly, with more than 60 million refugees and 40 million IDP covered under the same information system, funding this proposal could potentially impact the health status of over 100 million underserved people.

 Tagging: OpenMRS, EMR platform, Interoperability, Medical Records, Healthcare, Refugees, IRC, UNHCR, Paper-based records, Patient Data Solution Management

Application Status: 
