University of Oslo (UiO) requests support for the development of a HL7 FHIR interface to make a subset of DHIS2 resources as FHIR
resources accessible through a FHIR API. We would like to undertake this project in partnership with other organisations who have experience
working with DHIS2 and FHIR (for example Jembi Systems and Intrahealth).
Whereas the historic use of DHIS2 over the past more than 20 years has been primarily confined to aggregate health data, DHIS2 has in recent
years developed an individual level data component (tracker) which has seen significant uptake. Our aims with this project are:
(i) make interoperability with DHIS2 tracker more seamless by exposing an internationally recognized standard interface;
(ii) apply learnings to strengthen the underlying tracker data model in line with international best practice; and
(iii) foster a community of practice around the use of DHIS2 tracker within broader health information system architecture environments.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 15:50
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:38.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
In Scope - withdraw