SORMAS (Surveillance and Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an open source mobile and web
application to detect outbreaks, manage response measures, validate cases, coordinate laboratory confirmation and
perform follow-up of contact persons. SORMAS is fully integrated in the public health governance structures and contains 11
user-specific interfaces and disease specific management algorithms for 10 high priority epidemic prone diseases. SORMAS
is currently being used in 15 federal states and 155 local government areas, covering a total population of 36 million
inhabitants in Nigeria.
In a consortium of 10 software-, public health- and research-organizations from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Germany and Nigeria
we aim to target the following sub-indicators of the Global Goods Maturity Model: Source Code Accessibility, Community
Governance, Software Roadmap, User Documentation, Multi-Lingual Support, Technical Documentation, Software
Productization, Interoperability and Data Accessibility and Scalability.
This proposal foresees three modules A, B and C which are based on each other with the option to choose only A, AB or ABC.
They include 11 work packages (WP) that synergistically contribute to improvements in these sub-indicators:
Module A focuses around the Community Engagement. One essential component is building a Software Roadmap (WP1). By
establishing a SORMAS Developers Academy (WP2) we prepare the foundation for a SORMAS-Hackathon (WP3) to be
organized in Nigeria. We will furthermore install a creative commons repository to make all user guides, training- and
evaluation- materials available (WP4).
Module B focuses on International Localization: In Design Thinking workshops (WP5) in Ghana and Burkina Faso we will
develop process models and specifications to improve internationalization and localization. The output of these work
packages will feed directly into the programming for respective productization (WP6). Furthermore we will develop a
translation manager (WP7) complementary to existing translation platforms to develop multilingual support and providing
interfaces in the main West African languages (WP8).
Module C addresses Applicability Enhancement: The establishment of an integrated Laboratory Information Management
System with basic functionalities (LIMS light) will support laboratory tasks in low resource settings (WP9). The introduction of
the One Health approach (WP11) allows the information exchange with the environmental and the veterinary health sector.
By integrating functionalities for disease specific vertical programs (WP10) aims to streamline the utilization of digital health
tools and to reuse the technical assets developed and validated in SORMAS for other applications. By implementation of all
three modules, SORMAS will eventually reach full total score of 30/30 of the Global Goods Maturity Model.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 15:42
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:38.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
Approved – Contingent on Funding