The University of Oslo (UiO), Population Services International (PSI), and Health Information Systems Program (HISP) consortium requests funding for development, launch, and maintenance costs for the first two years for a web-based DHIS2 community of practice (CoP). DHIS2’s massive global implementation scale and scope has propagated a huge pool of DHIS2 expertise around the world. The CoP will serve as (i) the primary source of all DHIS2 resources, communication, and connecting point for all DHIS2 implementers, and (ii) the central hub for all DHIS2 users to connect and crowd-source issues with the global DHIS2 implementation and development communities and core expert teams. Expected outcomes are (i) the development and establishment of a web-based platform that facilitates mutual engagement, sharing learning, as well as dissemination of and access to useful resources, (ii) the promotion and sustained use of the web-based hub among DHIS2 implementers and users for crowd-sourcing issues, learning portal and networking opportunities. The primary goal is to establish a curated and moderated one-stop virtual space for engagement, knowledge sharing and learning amongst DHIS2 implementers and users. UiO, PSI, and HISP propose a two-year period to (i) select a platform, (ii) compile initial content, (iii) launch and promote uptake of the CoP,
(iv) evaluate, and (v) continually enhance the CoP.
Submitted by Caitlin Bowman (Digital Square) (Digital Square at PATH) on Tue, 03/03/2020 - 15:06
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:39.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
Approved - partially funded