Mangologic is a platform for the development, maintenance and deployment of complex digital health systems. Platforms in the global digital
health space come largely from a common root: the XForms/JavaRosa activity of nearly a decade ago spawned CommCare and ODK. Ona,
OpenSRP and MedicMobile all inherit important characteristics from this common root. This homogeneity means the space of possible
solutions is not well-represented, and if the common root embodies certain limitations organisations looking to understand what is possible are
not well-served. Mangologic has an entirely different point of origin and is constructed with more expressive formalisms. The results are
evident: it enables organisations to address problems of greater (real-world) complexity with far greater ease, at much lower cost.
Consequently, organisations which use this platform value it greatly. But it has barely been marketed and lacks good documentation. As a
consequence, it is not widely known. This funding proposal seeks funding to help broaden the documentation and resources available about
Mangologic in order to make it widely available and accessible to the global digital health community. We request funding to develop
communications activities, including reference and training materials.
The expected outcomes from this project are:
A comprehensive Mangologic website with extensive documentation and training materials
A well-developed Mangologic training course offering
Better documented interfaces to systems such as DHIS2
A series of Mangologic webinars
Greater community awareness of Mangologic, wider use, and the establishment of a broad user group.
Submitted by Caitlin Bowman (Digital Square) (Digital Square at PATH) on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 14:04
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:38.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
In Scope - withdraw