Aim of this proposal is to obtain funding for productizing implementations of two hugely successful programs, built on top of the popular
mHealth platform MOTECH. Mobile Academy (for educating field level workers - FLWs) and Kilkari (for targeted messaging to beneficiaries)
are IVR based solutions. These two implementations are being used in conjunction with Mobile Kunji (mobile and print-based job aids for
FLWs) to engage in effective social and behaviour change communication (SBCC) in poor and rural settings. National Scale-up Project (NSP)
of Kilkari and Mobile Academy has enabled these services in reaching millions of users across different states of India. Productizing these
solutions will enable organizations across the world, especially in low and middle income countries (LMIC), to engage in SBCC activities for a
variety of initiatives at scale using reliable and proven technology platforms.
This proposal comprises details on the following:
A background on the above-mentioned implementation programs and their impacts
An overview of the technologies driving these programs
Benefits of turning these implementations into reusable global health assets
Activities required towards converting into reusable assets
A roadmap for productizing and globalizing said assets
A budget and workplan required for the productization
Story of why we (BeeHyv Software with support from our partner in these programs, BBC Media Action) are well positioned to be
successful in this endeavour
Submitted by Caitlin Bowman (Digital Square) (Digital Square at PATH) on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 14:10
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:38.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
Not Approved