In more than 15 countries, development projects and Ministries of Health employ CommCare as a core frontline worker patient tracking and
data management tool, while also utilizing DHIS2 core information backbone, data warehouse, and analytics platform. Historically, the transfer
of data between these two software platforms has required case-by-case support and customization from core development teams. This has
proven to be costly to the user, inefficient to the developers, and a hindrance to information system sustainability and impact. With a
commitment to the Principles for Digital Development, Dimagi and the University of Oslo request funding to further develop and provide
supporting documentation to the enable more users and programs to leverage DHIS2 / Commcare through the MOTECH integration platform.
This integration platform will adhere to relevant IHE, ADX, and FHIR standards. It is the aim of this consortium that the MOTECH integration
platform will provide users with a simple, plug-and-play, interface and comprehensive user guide and use-case descriptions that are publicly
We propose a one year project period to complete, i) technical modifications to MOTECH DHIS2 / CommCare integration platform, ii)
development of user guide, iii) system testing, iv) a public demo site and iv) rich use-case description examples.
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/09/2020 - 14:44
Last revised by Digital Square on Tue, 03/10/2020 - 05:37.
Final Proposal:
Application Status:
Not Approved